Heart Disease: Screening, Prevention and Treatment

Heart disease—including valvular heart disease and coronary artery disease, which causes heart attacks—is the number one cause of death in the United States, and a leading cause of disability.

Over 600,000 Americans die from heart disease each year—nearly a quarter of all deaths, costing the U.S. economy over $200 billion each year. Fortunately, it is treatable and often preventable with the right testing and diagnosis.

Diagnosable Heart Disease Risk Factors

  • Diabetes
  • Obesity and overweight
  • Cholestorol
  • Diet
  • Physical activity
  • Alcohol use

Recommended Screenings

Warning signs can be detected through testing, and treated at Greenwich Cardiology:

  • Stress Tests to determine your fitness levels and reduce chance of heart attacks
  • Echocardiogram to detect Valvular Heart Disease

Preventing Heart Disease

The first step to preventing and treating heart disease is being tested for risk factors. Knowing your blood pressure, cholesterol and sugar levels can help not only assess your risk, but is the basis for formulating a plan to treat the symptoms you already have, and reduce your risk of being one of the Americans that dies every minute from a heart attack or other heart disease-related event.

Let’s test your risk factors and develop a sustainable plan to improve your heart health, and minimize your risk of heart attack, valvular heart disease and related conditions: